Centenary of Celina + Frédéric
Celina de Figueiredo and Frédéric Maffray met in 1989 in Waterloo, during a workshop on Perfect Graphs organized by Bruce Reed. They have been working together regularly since then. They co-authored several articles, most of them revolving around bull-free graphs.
We will be celebrating the 50th birthdays of Celina and Frédéric in September 16-17, 2010 in Grenoble. For this occasion, we would be happy to gather their former students, professors, colleagues and/or friends for a 2-day meeting in Grenoble, featuring talks on their favourite topics in Graph Theory.
The organizers (Louis Esperet, Myriam Preissmann, András Sebő, and Zoltán Szigeti) would like to thank Marwane Bouznif, Julien Darlay, Olivier Durand de Gevigney, Grégory Morel, Ana Silva and Valentin Weber for their help during the meeting.
Sponsors: Programme Pluriformation (PPF) Maths-Info, Laboratoire G-SCOP