Program and booklet

A tentative program is available here and a preliminary version of the booklet of abstracts is available here (printed versions will be given to each participant at the registration desk). Don't hesitate to report any mistake, misspelled name, wrong title or speaker... and please let us know as soon as possible if you have a problem with the current schedule.

At the registration desk, each participant will also be given a usb stick containing the extended abstracts of all the papers accepted to the conference.

Registration desk

  • Sunday, June 29, the registration desk will be open between 5:00pm and 10:00pm at the following address: INPG, 46 Avenue Felix Viallet. This place is within Grenoble right next to the train station and bus station, and not far from most hotels.
  • Monday, June 30, the registration desk will open at 8:45am in the entrance of Amphitheater Weil ("Amphithéâtre Weil") on campus, where also the invited talks will take place; see this map.
  • During the rest of the conference, the registration desk will be located in building UFR IMAG, 60 rue de la Chimie, also on campus; see this map.

Projectors and computers

Each room will be equipped by a computer with a video projector. To ease transitions between talks, speakers are requested to have the file of their talk ready on a USB flash drive, preferably in PDF format, and to copy it onto the computer before their session starts. Technical assistance will be present. If necessary, you can use your personal computer.


The purpose of this conference is to highlight the major theoretical advances in the field of Combinatorics and Graph Theory, and the development of new tools. It is open to a broad range of topics dealing with mathematical structures and any topic establishing direct links between combinatorics and other branches of mathematics. The conference is also open to theories of discrete algorithmic computing in the area of combinatorics with strong natural mathematical flavour.

Talks were sollicited in areas including, but not limited to:

  • All aspects of Graph Theory
  • Combinatorics (Algebraic, Analytic, Enumerative, Extremal)
  • Algorithms
  • Combinatorial Optimization
  • Combinatorial Geometry / Number Theory
  • Designs and Configurations
  • Matroid Theory

Special issue

A special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics was dedicated to a selection of papers presented at the conference. Click here to access the papers of this special issue.